بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
2 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
2 سال پيش
کانال : sh.kalami
jellyfish for kids
توضیحات :
jellyfish for kids
تگ ها:
0نظر ثبت شده
Story A
TFB unit 9
)Verbs (simple present
superlative adjectives (quiz)
comparative adjectives
comparative adjectives (quiz)
superlative adjectives
At the Safari Park ET4B Unit 8
What do you like to do?( like + verb+ ing)
ET4unit 11
The solar system
solar system(8 planets)
ET4unit 10
present continuous spelling rule song
present continuous story
present continuous guessing song
present continuous structure song
What are you doing? song
to be verbs(yes/No questions)
Is it a noun?
his/ her
personal pronouns and possessive adjectives
What is a noun? (song)
Prepositions of place and movement
Action song for kids( move and freeze)
places with meaning part 1
places with meaning part 2
places with meaning part 3
places with meaning part 4
Writing( burger)
Proud of you(song by Fiona Fung)
Hello in different languages
?What time is it
What is a verb?
simple present Vs present continuous
National and famous dishes
countries/ nationalities/ languages
good morning in different languages
Thank you in different languages
Hello in different languages
What do you like to do?(to + verb)
How many How much song
What did you do? song
English singsing What did you do? song
simple past quiz
LK sound
ST sound
MB sound
MP sound
2 MP sound
appearance vocabulary
hair styles vocabulary
animal for kids
ng sound(song)
ng end sound(song)
nd end sound(song)
ar sound(song)
ir sound(song)
hummingbirds for kids
jellyfish for kids
more most adjectives (superlative comparative)
panda kindergarten china
panda kindergarten
zebra for kids
polar bear for kids
mimic octopus
Denmark for kids
Kids try Iranian snack
tw sound
nt sound
paper plate dreamcatcher
Tornado in a bottle
Tornado in a bottle 2
ld sound
lt sound
Coral Reef
آیا از حذف این لیست پخش اطمینان دارید؟
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