بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
کانال : somy1048
توضیحات :
English Sing sing
تگ ها:
0نظر ثبت شده
long a
short a
short o
short u
short e
long i
short i
long o
long u
long a,o,e,i,u
Letter A sound and spell
Letter B Sound and Spell
Letter C sound and spell
Letter E Sound and spell
Letter D sound and spell
Letter F sound and spell
Letter G sound and spell
Letter I sound and spell
Letter H sound and spell
Letter K sound and spell
Letter L sound and spell
Letter M sound and spell
Letter N sound and spell
Letter O sound and spell
Letter P sound and spell
Letter R sound and spell
Letter S sound and spell
Letter W sound and spell
Letter X sound and spell
Letter Y sound and spell
Letter Z sound and spell
Letter J sound and spell
How to write Alphabet
Alphabet Video
Letter Q sound and spell
Alphabet writing
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