بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
7 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
7 سال پيش
کانال : Tutorials
A tutorial on how to configure Nagios Core or Nagios XI to monitor various parameters of a MySQL Server. Using the check_mysql_health plugin you are able to remotely connect to the MySQL server to check for such parameters as uptime, thread count, slow queries, etc. These results are then submitted to the Nagios XI server. The results will be displays on the Nagios XI or Nagios Core web interface or paging can be enable then an issues occurs.
توضیحات :
A tutorial on how to configure Nagios Core or Nagios XI to monitor various parameters of a MySQL Server. Using the check_mysql_health plugin you are able to remotely connect to the MySQL server to check for such parameters as uptime, thread count, slow queries, etc. These results are then submitted to the Nagios XI server. The results will be displays on the Nagios XI or Nagios Core web interface or paging can be enable then an issues occurs.
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