بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
7 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
7 سال پيش
کانال : Dub Step
A lot of melodic (dubstep) goodness to celebrate the 1000 subscribers! Thank you for the amazing support you've shown this channel. In less than 4 months this channel as reached 1000 freaking subscribers ahhh!! :D
If you like what you see/hear, you're welcome to join The Empire: http://bit.ly/1uYmLU2
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1pcwExX
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1tp7bwV
SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/1xqHgev
Snapchat: arcticempireee
Mixed by: Arctic Empire
Join The Empire & Download Mix: http://on.fb.me/1le6eZ0
Download 1: http://on.fb.me/1A94RjL
Download 2: http://bit.ly/U7fST7
Follow Me on SoundCloud! https://soundcloud.com/arcticempire
Track List
Andreas B. - I Need Your Love 0:00
Mykool - Breathe 3:48
SizzleBird - Celeste 08:32
Michael St Laurent - Breathe 11:34
Electus - To A Friend 14:59
Soulfy - The Desolation 18:57
CMA - Moving Forward 23:20
Kasbo - The Wind-Up Bird 28:17
Kazben - Deep Sleep 31:31
Jacoo - Feeling Your Heartbeat 35:33
Illumara/Sacred - Trust In Me 39:00
Ask - New Beginnings 43:14
ShockLine - Let Go 46:40
Rameses B - Asteroid 49:27
Killigrew - Coming Home 53:15
Artwork by: かんくろう
Artwork Download: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph...
Many thanks to my friend "Voidfury" for finding the wallpaper! :)
Thanks for listening and remember to support the artists!
Intro by: Federico Cocheo Filetti
*If you as an artist(artwork or music)/label have anything against my uploads (use of content etc.), please don't make a scene, send me a private message here(Youtube), Google+ or my email adress: arcticempire@outlook.com and I'll take it down.
توضیحات :
A lot of melodic (dubstep) goodness to celebrate the 1000 subscribers! Thank you for the amazing support you've shown this channel. In less than 4 months this channel as reached 1000 freaking subscribers ahhh!! :D
If you like what you see/hear, you're welcome to join The Empire: http://bit.ly/1uYmLU2
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1pcwExX
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1tp7bwV
SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/1xqHgev
Snapchat: arcticempireee
Mixed by: Arctic Empire
Join The Empire & Download Mix: http://on.fb.me/1le6eZ0
Download 1: http://on.fb.me/1A94RjL
Download 2: http://bit.ly/U7fST7
Follow Me on SoundCloud! https://soundcloud.com/arcticempire
Track List
Andreas B. - I Need Your Love 0:00
Mykool - Breathe 3:48
SizzleBird - Celeste 08:32
Michael St Laurent - Breathe 11:34
Electus - To A Friend 14:59
Soulfy - The Desolation 18:57
CMA - Moving Forward 23:20
Kasbo - The Wind-Up Bird 28:17
Kazben - Deep Sleep 31:31
Jacoo - Feeling Your Heartbeat 35:33
Illumara/Sacred - Trust In Me 39:00
Ask - New Beginnings 43:14
ShockLine - Let Go 46:40
Rameses B - Asteroid 49:27
Killigrew - Coming Home 53:15
Artwork by: かんくろう
Artwork Download: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph...
Many thanks to my friend "Voidfury" for finding the wallpaper! :)
Thanks for listening and remember to support the artists!
Intro by: Federico Cocheo Filetti
*If you as an artist(artwork or music)/label have anything against my uploads (use of content etc.), please don't make a scene, send me a private message here(Youtube), Google+ or my email adress: arcticempire@outlook.com and I'll take it down.
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