بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
8 ماه پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
8 ماه پيش
کانال : holding.ayaran
The Siam international business company with using the perfectional managers
The international unit of Tejarat Siam Company, with experienced managers, is with the dear businessmen and businesswomen from the beginning to the end. This business group has been able to provide the most appropriate answers to all the needs of buying and selling food products, industrial goods, etc. by using the worlds specialized techniques in the field of international export and import, as well as a variety of transportation methods at different levels of the world. Some of the services of Tejarat Siam Company are:
•international trading
• Business communication inside and outside the country
• Clearance of all types of goods
• Buying and selling and distributing goods
• Customs actions from A to Z
• Conclusion of government and international contracts
• Successful investments
توضیحات :
The Siam international business company with using the perfectional managers
The international unit of Tejarat Siam Company, with experienced managers, is with the dear businessmen and businesswomen from the beginning to the end. This business group has been able to provide the most appropriate answers to all the needs of buying and selling food products, industrial goods, etc. by using the worlds specialized techniques in the field of international export and import, as well as a variety of transportation methods at different levels of the world. Some of the services of Tejarat Siam Company are:
•international trading
• Business communication inside and outside the country
• Clearance of all types of goods
• Buying and selling and distributing goods
• Customs actions from A to Z
• Conclusion of government and international contracts
• Successful investments
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