بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
2 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
2 سال پيش
کانال : mohammadrasekh
My name is Mohammad Rasekh. I was born in May 1988 in city of Shiraz.
My field of study was flight engineering at university in shiraz. In 2006 i had imigrated to uk and persued my education in russian language translation. Since i was interested in modeling, i started taking part in this career professionally in both iran and uk.
As of now ,beside modeling, i am running my own company and providing construction tools.
توضیحات :
My name is Mohammad Rasekh. I was born in May 1988 in city of Shiraz.
My field of study was flight engineering at university in shiraz. In 2006 i had imigrated to uk and persued my education in russian language translation. Since i was interested in modeling, i started taking part in this career professionally in both iran and uk.
As of now ,beside modeling, i am running my own company and providing construction tools.
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