بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
8 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
8 سال پيش
کانال : Men Haircut
Published on Sep 7, 2016
haircut scissors ASMR to men (1 hour)
this is real haircut to several men.
This video was edited from the original haircut videos for ASMR.
I don't know that this video may be ASMR and helped for you to wish ASMR
there is the video of scissors haircut ASMR to ladies( 40 min)
توضیحات :
Published on Sep 7, 2016
haircut scissors ASMR to men (1 hour)
this is real haircut to several men.
This video was edited from the original haircut videos for ASMR.
I don't know that this video may be ASMR and helped for you to wish ASMR
there is the video of scissors haircut ASMR to ladies( 40 min)
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