بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
کانال : vahidnouriet
How is the consonant /tʃ/ pronounced when it is assimilated in spoken form?
Check the film out and share it to the ones who care about phonological process.
#phoneticsymbol #phonology #phonologicalprocesses #allophones #assimiliation #ellision #insertion #linguistics #linguist #eflteacher #teacher #teachers #mohammad_ali_keshavarz #dr_ali_rahimi #dr_mohammad_amin_mozaheb #dr_shahidi_tabar
توضیحات :
How is the consonant /tʃ/ pronounced when it is assimilated in spoken form?
Check the film out and share it to the ones who care about phonological process.
#phoneticsymbol #phonology #phonologicalprocesses #allophones #assimiliation #ellision #insertion #linguistics #linguist #eflteacher #teacher #teachers #mohammad_ali_keshavarz #dr_ali_rahimi #dr_mohammad_amin_mozaheb #dr_shahidi_tabar
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