بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
کانال : ieltsbyamir
Hey guys!
Do I have the green light to ask the examiner questions throughout the test? “Yes and no!”
Well, Part One: Ask the examiner if you do not find out the question. What he is going to do is to repeat the question; He is not going to explain the meaning of words or what.
Part Two: you are not allowed to ask the examiner any questions; I mean even if you do, he is not going to take it. Right? He is not going to explain- nothing. just follow- you know- what the prompts and just see what you can do. How about Part Three?
‘Part three’ is a great place where you can ask the examiner questions. Why? Because he is going to explain the meaning of words: he is going even to rephrase it making it sound a little bit simpler for you— so he’s not just going to repeat the question; he is going to make it sound a little bit less complicated so that you understand what is going on and it’s not going to hurt your score.
توضیحات :
Hey guys!
Do I have the green light to ask the examiner questions throughout the test? “Yes and no!”
Well, Part One: Ask the examiner if you do not find out the question. What he is going to do is to repeat the question; He is not going to explain the meaning of words or what.
Part Two: you are not allowed to ask the examiner any questions; I mean even if you do, he is not going to take it. Right? He is not going to explain- nothing. just follow- you know- what the prompts and just see what you can do. How about Part Three?
‘Part three’ is a great place where you can ask the examiner questions. Why? Because he is going to explain the meaning of words: he is going even to rephrase it making it sound a little bit simpler for you— so he’s not just going to repeat the question; he is going to make it sound a little bit less complicated so that you understand what is going on and it’s not going to hurt your score.
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