بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
کانال : disinfectandfog
Firstly, in a very short time, a very large area can be effectively disinfected by a completely non-toxic and hypoallergenic solution that is safe for kids, pets, and plants. For example, with the ULV Foggers, you can disinfect a 15-meter area with a single spray. The disinfectant solution can easily kill all viruses and bacteria on the surface as well as in the air.
When we talk to school janitors about disinfecting play equipment, they tend to use regular detergent for this task, which isnt necessarily as effective and usually involves excessive scrubbing, wiping, and is overly time-consuming. Fogging saves time, and in turn, saves money while remaining extremely effective and safe.
توضیحات :
Firstly, in a very short time, a very large area can be effectively disinfected by a completely non-toxic and hypoallergenic solution that is safe for kids, pets, and plants. For example, with the ULV Foggers, you can disinfect a 15-meter area with a single spray. The disinfectant solution can easily kill all viruses and bacteria on the surface as well as in the air.
When we talk to school janitors about disinfecting play equipment, they tend to use regular detergent for this task, which isnt necessarily as effective and usually involves excessive scrubbing, wiping, and is overly time-consuming. Fogging saves time, and in turn, saves money while remaining extremely effective and safe.
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