بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
3 سال پيش
کانال : disinfectandfog
Handheld sanitizers is a thermal fogger that can be then divided into two different categories, spray sanitizers that let out a wet solution, and those that let out a dry fog (such as the Nano Atomizer). There are a few disadvantages of wet sanitizing sprays. Since the solution that comes out of the spray is wet, after you spray it at a surface, you might need to wipe the surface after spraying to dry it up. It being wet also means you cannot use wet spray sanitizers on electronics such as printers, phones, TVs, etc. A dry spray sanitizer on the other hand does not have these problems and has some advantages over dry spray sanitizers.
توضیحات :
Handheld sanitizers is a thermal fogger that can be then divided into two different categories, spray sanitizers that let out a wet solution, and those that let out a dry fog (such as the Nano Atomizer). There are a few disadvantages of wet sanitizing sprays. Since the solution that comes out of the spray is wet, after you spray it at a surface, you might need to wipe the surface after spraying to dry it up. It being wet also means you cannot use wet spray sanitizers on electronics such as printers, phones, TVs, etc. A dry spray sanitizer on the other hand does not have these problems and has some advantages over dry spray sanitizers.
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