بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
6 سال پيش
بازدید :
زمان ارسال :
6 سال پيش
کانال : هک کردن بازی های android و iOS
آموزش فعال کردن cheat شنا و حالت پارکور در GTA Vice City
روش فعال کردن این چیت رو میتونید در زیر مشاهده کنید:
Once you download and open the mod, you will see 1 folder and 2 .csa files
In a folder "files" you can see "anim" folder. Copy "anim" folder in your mobile into a "files" folder in "com.rockstargames.gtavc". The path should be "Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtavc/files/".
Copy gtavc.climbing.csa and gtavc.swimming.csa in your phone into "com.rockstargames.gtavc".
Run the game and enjoy Tommy swimming and climbing like in your favourite game GTA San Andreas
توضیحات :
آموزش فعال کردن cheat شنا و حالت پارکور در GTA Vice City
روش فعال کردن این چیت رو میتونید در زیر مشاهده کنید:
Once you download and open the mod, you will see 1 folder and 2 .csa files
In a folder "files" you can see "anim" folder. Copy "anim" folder in your mobile into a "files" folder in "com.rockstargames.gtavc". The path should be "Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtavc/files/".
Copy gtavc.climbing.csa and gtavc.swimming.csa in your phone into "com.rockstargames.gtavc".
Run the game and enjoy Tommy swimming and climbing like in your favourite game GTA San Andreas
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